<- Home | 80s Commercials - ABC News Brief + Campbell's Soup... -> | Green Lake Graves (length: 00:30) -> | hummer explose (length: 00:24) -> | Bill Richardson and Iraq (length: 00:57) -> | Dangermark at a Hollywood Riot (length: 01:31) -> | LOL BUSH IS FUNNY (length: 04:08) -> | 3-20-2003美軍早前預計,在向伊拉克展開全面攻擊後的48小時,會發射至少三千支巡航導彈,然後由... -> | Views on Iraq (length: 03:12) -> | Insurgent takedown (length: 00:19) -> | Iraq 2006 Summmer Half (length: 01:26) ->

mad mind (length: 02:17)

"Vietnam Veteran returns home only to find that he is in a malicious state of mind."

*The synopsis is even worse than the short video. Let's see if you can count all of my mistakes, I counted 10, maybe you'll find more.*

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